Scavenger Hunt This year, the Scavenger Hunt has a set of new rules and a handful of fantastic prizes. A unique scavenger hunt will be held February 12th, 13th, and 14th - each day, finding the starting clue will lead you to the first Golden Heart of the day.
Inside that heart you'll find a package of prizes courtesy of XStreet content creators and a clue to the next Golden Heart in the series.
Each day has its own series of Golden Hearts, and each Golden Heart has its own set of special prizes! Golden Hearts for each day will remain until the end of the event on February 14th, 2010.
On the final scavenger hunt day (February 14th), take a photograph of your avatar standing near the final Golden Heart of the day and submit it to the Second Life Facebook page to enter yourself in a contest!
Five entrants will be selected at random to win the Golden Hearts grand prize - L$15,000!
Each day, the first clue will be hidden anywhere:
On February 12th, your first clue can be found on XStreet!
On February 13th, your first clue can be found on Facebook!
On February 14th, your first clue can be found in Cupid Linden's profile!
Good Lucky!
Esta Caçada da Linden ocorrerá no periodo de 12 a 14/02, na qual, em cada dia existirão pistas, sobre os locais a serem encontrados. Os prêmios estarão em corações dourados.
Cada dia terá sua própria série de corações dourados e, cada um, seu conjunto de prêmios especiais. Estes, permanecerão até o final do evento.
No último dia da Caçada, tire uma foto de seu avatar ao lado do coração dourado final e o envie para a página do Second Life no Facebook para que possa concorrer ao grande prêmio de L$ 15.000! Apenas cinco participantes serão selecionados, randomicamente, para ganhar o prêmio.
Cada dia, as pistas estarão escondidas em qualquer lugar:
Dia 12 estará no Xstreet - Dia 13 no Facebook - dia 14 no perfil Cupid Linden!
Boa Sorte à todos!

Kiss a Linden, Kiss a Volunteer Event
Valentine’s Day celebration in three regions: Isle of View, Isle of View Too, Hugsville for Teens. There are Cupid Linden's Bear located at the booths.
O Valentine's Day será comemorado em três regiões: Isle of View, Isle of View Too, Hugsville for Teens (para os menores de idade). Nas três, haverão lindos ursinhos cupidos de presente para todos. Aproveitem para beijar os voluntários e os poderosos da Linden!!!