Saturday, February 18, 2012

Soken Kids

Soken Kids - Group Gift: Robot Munch Backpack, FLH #7 Princess Poses - I love You, FLH #17 - Unchained  Melody Ipod
Group Gift: 1000 Group Gift Hit & Run Outfit, SK Green Reaper Outfit, Sneaker Skeater Derby
Group Gift: Spidery Bedset with poses
FLH #16 - Kids Valentines Talker Desk with poses
Hunt Name: Forbidden Love Hunt
When: Feb 12 thru March 12
There is a Playset Kids (Group Gift), not showed. Cute gifts!!!
Essa loja tem excelentes presentes para o grupo e está sendo realizada a Caçada Forbidden Love que irá até o dia 12 de Março e os presentes são super fofos. Ainda tem um Parque infantil completo, dentre os presentes para o grupo, não mostrado na foto, mas extremamente lindo!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your post about my Soken Kids store ^_^ Please add me inworld- Kezzy Ugimachi

    You can also add yourself to my blog too so you can see more free items you can try on and would be interested to post-


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