When: February 11th thru 25th, 2012
VIP LIVE AUCTION on Feb 25th - Frolic mills is making an fab female avatar to be auctioned off to benefit autism.
- Captivity Poses: The Photographer (6 poses) - Amazing poses!!!
- OT: Retro Poster Pose #01, 02 (12 poses)
Visit this expo to discover the latest animations, poses and photo accessories made by top designers to help your photos look as good as the experts! Showcasing the latest gadgets, animations and systems, plus parties and photography exhibits to help raise money for the Autism Society of America, this expo is not to be missed!
Autism is a great deal nowadays, that appears in early childhood, usually before age 3. All Autism disorders affect a child's ability to communicate and interact with others. December 2009, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued their ADDM autism prevalence report.
The report concluded that the prevalence of autism had risen to 1 in every 110 births in the United States and almost 1 in 70 boys.
Documents and/or proof of RL Donation will be shared with the Proposers Group after the end of the event.
Avenue Magazine Moolto Magazine & Social Network
BeStyle Magazine My Face pool Social Network
The BEST OF SL Magazine Oh Boi Magazine
BOSL Radio Royal living LifestyleMagazine
Glance Magazine Scruplz Magazine
Explore Magazine SecondnightsMagazine & Social Network
Icon Magazine Supermodel Inc. Magazine
Imagine Magazine Too Sexy Magazine
Levity Magazine XPoser AD system
Maniera Magazine
Fantastic initiative! I am Psychologist and have many patients with this pathology.
1st Pic - Outfit: Yesss - Animalized (group gift)
1ª Foto - A roupa é presente para o grupo
Shape: Maria - Zinner Shapes
Esta Exposição é uma brilhante iniciativa da Proposers para ajudar a Sociedade de Autismo da América. Essa patologia acomete 1 em cada 110 nascimentos, dentre esses, 1 em cada 70 meninos nos Estados Unidos e, geralmente, aparece antes dos 3 anos de idade.
Esse distúrbio dificulta e, muitas vezes, impede a comunicação e a interação de seus portadores com o mundo que os circunda.
Já atendi alguns pacientes portadores de Autismo em meu Consultório e posso garantir que o tratamento requer paciência e persistência por parte dos familiares dessas crianças.
Apoio a iniciativa da Proposers e fico feliz em ver o Metaverso sendo utilizado de forma correta.
Portanto, antes de sairmos por ai comprando bobagens sem utilidade real, vamos reservar alguns lindens para ajudar essa nobre causa.
A Proposers se compromete a mostrar os comprovantes de transferência de valores para a instituição, para os membros do grupo.