Friday, July 5, 2019

Lamb - Masoom - Garbaggio - Chez Moi - Lowen - Ariskea - Lybra

SL16B gifts:
* Masoom - Maple dress. Comes with appliers.
* Garbaggio - June Pumps. Comes with appliers.
* Lybra - SL16B gift dress. Comes with appliers.
* Lowen - Chloe Bag.
* Lamb - Angel hair with style/colours huds.
* Chez Moi - Bird Bath.
* Ariskea - Owl Plant.
Mais presentes gratuitos no aniversário de 16 anos do Second Life: vestido super chique com fenda lateral, vestido em jeans, sapato colorido, ambos com aplicadores; bolsa com pose, cabelo com huds de cores e estilo (primeira foto); vaso com planta e fonte de pássaros.

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